Happy Kangas & Happy Joeys!

  • Amy's classes are so engaging, with care to provide lower impact exercise alternatives and definitely getting a good workout while your baby enjoys all the jumping around and other babies presence. I loved how she carefully thinks about key muscle groups that need toning after having a baby. It is also a safe space for dads btw!

    Celia (Jan 24’)

  • Amy’s workouts are fun, challenging and perfectly paced. She gives high and low impact options throughout the classes and they have been the perfect introduction back into exercise post natal for me. She creates a safe environment where I feel comfortable to stop and look after my baby during the class, if needed. And she always has a great playlist!

    Louise (Dec 23’)

  • Amy is a fantastic instructor. Her classes are full of energy, life and fun. The exercises are challenging yet manageable and always enjoyable. Amy is very personable and natural with people so you feel at ease during workouts even when being stretched. These classes are a great place to exercise, keep your baby entertained and support others in the same boat as you.

    Bethany (Jan 24’)

  • As someone who’s always been into fitness, mostly yoga, running and rock climbing, it was hard to be in a position post partum, where I did not feel as strong as usual. I was looking for something to get me moving again and was so pleased when Amy said she would be starting her own fitness sessions. Amy’s encouragement, enthusiasm and ability to keep the workouts fun and interesting, has been just what I needed to get me back into training and feeling great at the start of every week! Thank you!

    — Liana (Dec 23’)

  • I stopped all exercise apart from walking during my pregnancy and I was pretty unfit getting back into it after my baby was born, so I was nervous about joining exercise classes but I love that there is always such a nice vibe in Amy’s classes and absolutely no judgement! I also really like that she demonstrates the exercises clearly before we do them and explains the posture we need to be in for each move - in fact I’ve learnt I’ve been doing leg raises incorrectly for years! When I first started her classes my whole body ached for a few days after a session but I can definitely feel my body getting stronger each week and I love the feeling of finishing her class!

    Roz (Jan 24’)

  • Amy's exercise classes have such great energy - I loved them! She provides low and higher impact options for depending where you are in your postnatal journey. The environment is also very relaxed, which made me feel comfortable to stop and attend to my baby whenever I needed. I highly recommend!

    Philippa (Jan 24’)